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Ken Wittich Photo

Leadership Spotlight: Ken Wittich

In December 2016, Ken Wittich joined TheBestIRS, an insurance staffing company looking to branch out into the claims space. It’s been 6 years since, and both the company and Ken have seen tremendous growth.  

Since becoming Senior Vice President of Auto Claims in 2022, Ken has played a pivotal role in the development of our claims department. From growing our auto team to onboarding new clients, he has truly made an impact throughout our business. With a team of Claims Managers and Supervisors who oversee adjusters and field appraisers servicing the industry’s top auto insurance carriers, Ken continues to focus on providing the best “leadership, solutioning, and forecasting for our daily and catastrophe operations.”  

How did you get started in the claims industry?

Like many of us, through a friend. I was not sure about my first chosen career and decided to take on insurance adjusting as a side job to see if it was what I would like to do in the future. After a couple of years of managing both careers, I decided to jump in with both feet and grow in the industry. 

The claims industry can be a tough space to work in, and it’s easy to be discouraged when faced with policyholders who are struggling. What inspires you to keep doing what you do every day?

I enjoy helping people. When I first entered this industry, I was on the front lines as an adjuster helping our client’s policyholders get their lives back to normal after a loss. Over the years, moving into management, I am still reaching those policyholders through those I lead. I also enjoy watching our workforce grow from their first day on the job to those I’ve worked with for over 20 years. I believe that most people get into this work for the same reason. The job is challenging but rewarding at every position.  

Do you have any daily habits you swear by?

Make your bed, put on a smile, and remind myself that perceptions are not reality, perception is a lens through which we view reality.  

“I believe that most people get into this work for the same reason. The job is challenging but rewarding at every position.” 

What’s something you love about your job/what you do?

Teaching things I’ve been taught and learning from others.  

What’s one thing we wouldn’t know by looking at your LinkedIn profile?

In my previous career, I was a nurse. I graduated from nursing school in 1991 and worked in that field for approximately 10 years. I really enjoyed that career and feel it was really influential in who I am today.  

Want to experience first-hand what Ken and his team do differently? Contact us today to learn more about our Auto and Material Damage Solutions.

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